Rules for providing paid medical services
1.1. The provision of paid medical services by the staff of the State Budgetary Institution of Health care "Regional Children Clinical Hospital" (hereinafter referred to as the «Institution») is performed:
- - during inpatient treatment in the working hours and at the workplace due to the provision of services during the treatment process;
- - in paraclinical units, mainly during working hours and at the main workplace without prejudice to the provision of free medical care due to the necessity to provide these services to the patient at a certain time, as well as due to the unreasonableness of performing them outside working hours, leading to additional material costs;
- - in case of an outpatient admission in the time free from the main work or during the working hours after performing the standard number of procedures established by the state order;
In all cases, the provision of paid medical services should not be performed to the prejudice to the established services provided under the Territorial program of state guarantees and should not affect their quality.
1.2. Provision of paid medical services during the working hours and at the main workplace is performed at the expense of the working time reserve of the medical personnel arising due to the professional skills that allow them to use their working time rationally, and also due to the bed-days reserve arising from the use of professional skills to achieve positive treatment results of the patient in a shorter period.
1.3. The head of the department is fully responsible for the organization, the list of paid medical services provided and the quality of their rendering.
2.1. When applying for inpatient treatment, the head of the department or the attending doctor should write out a referral for treatment according to the established form, indicating the patient’s name, initials, diagnosis, treatment time, types and number of diagnostic tests. The referral is obligatory to be approved by the deputy head doctor for medical work, and in his absence by other deputies from among the doctors. According to the referral an economist calculates the preliminary treatment cost.
2.2. After calculating the treatment cost, the patient is sent to the the Institution cashier. The cashier draws up a contract with the patient for the provision of a specific type of paid medical service in 2 copies, the execution of which is mandatory for both parties. After signing the contract, the patient (or the patient’s legal representative) pays the cost of the service at the cash desk of the Institution. Then the cashier writes out a payment receipt in 3 copies, two copies are issued to the patient.
2.3. When providing other paid medical services, referrals are not required. The contract is to be executed obligatory. The service cost is to be paid in accordance with the approved price list.
2.4. A patient, when contacting a specialist, presents one copy of the payment receipt;, a note is to be made in the outpatient chart and medical history about the provision of a paid medical service, as well as a copy of the payment receipt is to be attached.
2.5. Before discharge from the hospital, the patient should be provided with the final calculation of the treatment cost, depending on the stay time in inpatient facility, the number and types of tests and examinations of specialists.
2.6. The medical history and outpatient chart are marked with a cliche: “paid services” and after discharge of the patient are referred to the medical statistics department.
2.7. The persons responsible for the compliance of the paid and actually rendered paid medical services are established by three levels of control:
- - the first level - the attending doctor;
- - second level - head of the department;
- - deputy head doctor from among the medical staff, head of a polyclinic.
3.1. Revenues from paid services, received by entering the hospital cash register, are subsequently credited to the personal account in the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Region.
3.2. The reception of funds for paid services is conducted by the person entrusted by the order of the Institution head doctor. Reception is made on the receipts of strict accountability, numbered and bound in books.
3.3. On the receipt forms, the requisites are filled in: the patient’s last name, first name and patronymic, the medical service name and the Institution stamp The receipt for paid services is issued in 3 copies: the first is attached to the cashier's report, the second is handed to the patient, the third is stitched to the medical history or an outpatient chart. In addition, the cash desk keeps a register of paid services receipts by numbers.
3.4. The money received on the receipt must be deposited on a personal account in the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Region the next day. Spending this money without first depositing it on a personal account in the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Region is not allowed.
3.5. The amount of cash deposited at the cash desk must correspond to the sum of the advance report of the reporting person, who is responsible for accepting cash.
3.6. Revenues from paid medical services should cover all expenses incurred.