This section have no translation in english
Sorry, but this section have no pages in English.
You can visit the translated pages by clicking on the links below:
- Main page
- About us
- Opening hours & specialists’ schedule
- Visiting hours of specialists of the consulting diagnostic center
- Work schedule of the day hospital
- Work schedule of the paraclinical services
- Work schedule of the inpatient facility
- To foreign citizens
- Instructions for receiving medical services
- Information for foreign citizens
- Information about the healthcare institution
- About medical care provided
- Rules for the provision of paid medical services
- Procedure for the provision of paid medical services
- Regulatory documents
- Information for consumers of paid services
- Fees for medical services
- Telephone directory of RCCH (GBUZ SK “KDKB”)
- Anti-corruption
- For sponsors and charity organizations
- Services
- Contacts